0113 260 8752 07808 096170 [email protected]

Coaching Skills Training

Coaching Skills Training unlocks the potential of your people, and your organisation to ensure that all are working towards making a difference – the same difference. This ensures cohesion when seeking performance improvement and is particularly useful in change management and organisational development applications.

We all work interactionally with others – clients, customers, colleagues, suppliers – the list is endless. If we try to persuade people to do things our way, we will always struggle.

Coaching Skills Training equips you with the conversational strategies you need to deliver real outcomes by seeking the specific, observable and measurable differences after successful change has been made. If all stakeholders are involved in seeking these differences, then the “how” is very easy to manage. This enables outcomes to be delivered more quickly and with less resource, massively improving your return on investment of time and money.

We have delivered Coaching Skills Training to private, third and public sector organisations and these apply to sole traders through to international corporations. Our clients have used these skills to grow their businesses, or to provide more, better services to their clients and beneficiaries.

"I'm just getting back into my chair having fallen off after looking over your slides. You have really hit the mark with building SF to GROW. Well done. This training together is incredibly well laid out in a structured way that builds. I think the way it is packaged that the thing participants will remember is SF integrated into GROW. Terrific work." - Peter Lehmann, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Texas, Arlington.

We offer courses ranging from half-day introductory through to full advanced courses with follow-up supervision. Each bespoke course is tailored to your specific needs and desired outcomes so please contact us to discuss your specific coaching skills training application.


"Andrew gave a presentation for me at a recent networking event I was co-ordinating. He was flexible enough to be able to adapt his presentation to the requirements of his audience, and really engaged his listeners. The content was informative, easy to follow and very useful! I have always found Andrew to be extremely helpful, and very reliable. I am happy to recommend his work."

Candy Squire-Watt
Enterprise Coach