0113 260 8752 07808 096170 [email protected]

Getting Things Done

We specialise in keeping things simple. Our approach to any project is to establish first the differences you seek. This simple process enables you to make sure that you consider all the options for getting things done in a way that ensures you deliver these differences. Simple, clear and effective consultation at the start of the project means you can do more with less, making your budget go further in the process.

Getting things done in the third sector is often a challenge. Many competing stakeholders have their opinions about what you should do, and of course how you should do it. As a result, third sector workers spend their time juggling different stakeholder needs to the detriment of their service users.

We take all of that pain away with our simple, solution-focused approach, helping you to focus on the real differences you and your beneficiaries wish to notice from the very start of our support. This initial step then permits you to reference every helpful suggestion or opinion about how you should do something and to consider how much of the differences you seek will be delivered if you choose this option. No arguments, no debates, no politics – just simply getting things done.

This approach delivers efficiency improvements as well, so you will be able to do more with less, and you will be able to stretch your budget so that it goes further. For Third Sector Consultant Leeds help, or if you are sceptical, get in touch as we love a challenge!


"I have had the pleasure of working with Andrew for four years, his role as a business coach has been outstanding. Because he works methodically and has a great interest in his work and clients he has gained further work through referrals. He is respected by colleagues and management alike. In addition he has expertise in several areas and whenever necessary he will access this experience to help others. A fine colleague, trustworthy and hardworking with excellent time management and will always go the extra mile."

Natalia Fernandez
New Economics Foundation